With almost 7 years service, DV4 is the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland's webcasting service provider of choice. We manage all the AV and streaming services for over 20 hybrid events annually for the RCPI.
Some of these hybrid events are open to the public, some only to members and some are pay per view. CPD points and certificates are awarded for attendance in person or online. DV4 also faciliate live video and audio links when speakers are not present, so that the in-person audience and the online audience can listen and engage with thesre remote presenters. Live webcasts can also be made available for on-demand catch-up on the RCPI website.
In the past, DV4 also redesigned and rebuilt the RCPI website and were a key player amongst a large number of external vendors and third parties.
Full testimonial:
DV4 provide us with a world class webcasting service. I am continually impressed by the excellent service offered by them. Their knowledge and expertise has helped us improve the quality of our events, not only for those attending online, but also for those attending in person. They are very accommodating with regard to the types of events that are webcast, continually offering innovative solutions to address specific issues that arise. In addition, their staff are, experienced, reliable and friendly. DV4 have demonstrated a commitment to providing a service of the highest quality and I have no hesitation in recommending them.